Thursday 7 February 2013

Codes and Conventions

We will be using various codes and conventions in our opening sequence.

Technical Codes: We will definitely be using an establishing shot as we think it is important to let our audience know where it is set. POV shots will be used to show that someone is spying on our characters. We may also use a tracking shot whilst Theo is walking. We will experiment with different shots/angles to see what effect they can create.

We will avoid all colourful/bright clothing. We want the costumes to be quiet dull. The lab coat that we will be using definitely matches with this idea. Theo will also be wearing a camouflage suit, which again has dull green colours on it.

There will be some diegetic sound e.g. when the clipboard is slammed onto the table. Throughout the entire sequence there will be non-diegtic sound playing. We will also enhance/edit in the sound on some of the shots e.g. the chemical drop and gun shot.

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