Friday, 14 December 2012

Group Update- 14/12/12

In todays lesson we started to discuss possible story lines for our opening sequence. The first step was deciding on what genre the sequence would be. We put down two ideal genres that we were happy with and they were Action, Thriller and Comedy. We then wrote down different films under each genre to develop a deeper understanding of the concept of the movie and how it fits under that specific genre. Comedy was definitely the genre we were edging towards, although it was very difficult coming up with an idea. A character we were quite keen on having was a superhero. We liked the idea of having a funny superhero doing dangerous/risk taking stunts. Having discussed this with our teacher, we were told that a comedy is difficult to get right and we could potentially struggle. Having taken what Sir said into consideration we decided it was best not to go with our superhero idea.

The next most popular genres were Thriller and Action. I was not particulary keen on the genre but to agree without argument we thought it would be best to combine the two.

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