My original idea before our final idea:
Characters: Genre: Action/Thriller
Person A
Person B
Person C
1. A teenager, Person A, of either gender appears to be hiding subtly from someone/something. The reason for this is not clear.
2. As they are walking the credits appear in puddles, car windows and fences.
3. When Person A walks past a certain spot they start to become more shifty and nervous.
4. He/she is then encountered by Person B and C who block them from both directions. These two characters are the ones being avoided from.
5. Person B and C pull out a gun and hold it at eye level, aiming towards person A's head.
6. Person A looks behind to see Person C pointing the gun, then a gunshot is heard.
7. Person A's head turns back to face Person B who has already fired the gun.
8. The bullet shoots towards Person A's head
9. Camera is in point of view of the bullet
^ 7,8&9 are all in slow motion
10. The bullet stops inches away from Person A's face and then the entire scene rewinds back through the whole of Person A's day. This includes rewinding the shooting all the way until Person A wakes up in the morning.
11. The scene ends with an extreme close up on Person A's eyes closed.
12. As soon as their eyes open it cuts straight to the opening title: Suppression
I believe that some of the things I would want to do would take time and patience but I think the finished sequence would look really good.
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